How to create the love you desire in 2021

How to create the love you desire in 2021

1. Believe it is possible. All things are possible for those that believe. Write the dream down and rehearse it daily until you begin to believe it. Address those belief systems that are blocking love.

2. Be self aware. This includes knowing your strengths – what do you have to offer in a relationship, what are your values, goals and ambitions. A person that can speak about themselves from a place of self awareness will be very impressive to someone else.

3. Become the love you desire. The question to ask yourself here is…’Am I the person in character looks and status, who the person I desire will desire? If so how so? And if not, identify the gaps and begin to work on them

4. Prepare, Plan and Pursue. As they say, no plan is a plan to fail. There is no time like the present to begin to be intentional about your love life. Work on yourself and begin to do the things you need to practically do to become who you need to be to attract the love of your dreams. Do you need to hire a matchmaker, a coach, join the gym, work on your character, your goals? Do it!

5. Step out. It goes without saying. After implementing all of the above steps you’ve got to get out there and start dating! If you need help navigating the dating world or getting intentional about dating. Get in touch with us at South Carolina Matchmakers we can help.

Are You Too Busy For Love?

Are You Too Busy For Love?

In our world today, it seems we are becoming less and less touched. We text instead of calling and email instead of visiting. For some, dating has become an on-line affair. Are we doomed to a solitary existence?  Will our social skills minimize to the point where the hottest thing we touch – is our computer?  Of course we don’t want that, but many of us end up settling for the laptop cuddle, because our lives are just plain busy. Our work, family and home responsibilities keep us running around with so much going on, that often times, we don’t even break to take care of ourselves. With our busy schedules, we just don’t have the time to cultivate an existing relationship or put any effort into finding new love?

Do you even remember the excitement of eyes- catching, chemistry igniting love?  How long has it been since you felt the electricity flowing through your body, that only Love can spark? For those of us who Can remember the wonderful feeling of being in love, we know it is an awesome feeling! So why is it, that so many people say they are too busy for love? We are a nation of professionals, who have become focused on achieving success. We want to be logical and focus on what will benefit our lives.  We must organize our company to optimal efficiency. We want to consider every detail of our lives to build a future that will result in personal gain.  Are there any benefits to love?

What is the Value of Love?

Dean Ornish, MD, author of Love and Survival, The scientific Basis for the Healing Power of Intimacy, has conducted numerous studies where he has proven that Love is good for your physical health. One such study conducted at Yale, yielded significant results among a group of men and women who were undergoing coronary angiography. Those who reported that they had support and felt loved had considerably less blockage in their arteries.  In fact, his results have been duplicated. MSN reports the findings of a National Longitudinal Mortality study, observing the life span of over a million participants since 1979. Results show that married people have fewer heart attacks, less cancer and even live longer. The University of Iowa demonstrated that those who are in love and have strong support systems, generate higher levels of the body’s natural immune system for fighting cancer cells- white blood cells. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a primary response to love occurring in our bodies, is the elevated production of the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin makes you feel good and it works in the brain along with dopamine which helps humans to recognize pleasure. Depression or other mental illnesses sometimes result from malfunction in this system. Dr. Kathleen Light with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, did a study where she found oxytocin levels increased in married participants after they held hands or discussed positive memories.

Research indicates there are benefits to love. But will this knowledge make our lives less busy? No, but it could allow us to enjoy it more. In our quest to create the best possible future, should we put any effort into love? The scientific community says-Yes! Do it for your heart. Find love to increase your life span. Experience your brain on pleasure. Take a moment and consider your quality of life and why you work so hard. Is it to spend evenings alone?  Love is beautiful and love is kind. Love has a powerful effect on our bodies and minds.  Love is worth the effort. If you need to, put it on your calendar.

We are Successful When our Clients are Successful.

We are Successful When our Clients are Successful.

Our hearts are happy when our wonderful South Carolina Matchmakers matches fall in love and get married.

Helping our clients find their forever soulmate is an amazing adventure – sometimes taking us and them on a ride we never saw coming. Donna, our Matchmaker, worked hard to ensure that these two Hilton Head clients were successful.  “First date feedback from both of them was that the date was great and months later a follow up call revealed that Nick and June fell in love. Nick had popped the question & now the two were happily married. Our ultimate goal would be for all of our client’s stories to end this way.”  Donna admits, ” an even bigger reward is to know that we are changing people’s lives for the better in so many ways.” 

“We help clients with the task of getting ready for love.” Jennifer J. Hayes, a relationship expert and dating coach for South Carolina Matchmakers describes herself as the “go-between” to making love happen.”If they are open and also willing to work on themselves, than it makes it easier to be successful in love.We want every single person we work with to find what they came to us for and that’s always at the top of our priority list.”

Nick and June were both open and ready for love so their success was inevitable. South Carolina Matchmakers of Hilton Head and the entire South Carolina Matchmakers Staff would like to wish Nick and June  years of happiness. 


Matchmaker Wisdom: Valentine’s Day Is Not Just For Women

Matchmaker Wisdom: Valentine’s Day Is Not Just For Women

Ever wonder why men hate Valentine’s Day as much as women love it? When it comes to this day of love, women think it’s all about them. Men are supposed to give flowers, jewelry, chocolates, and plan an elaborate date while women are barely expected to give a card. Years of this lopsided display of affection is enough to drive any man crazy. The solution is simple: share the love. Instead of expecting gifts and affirmation, show your man how much you value and appreciate him.

There are dozens of sites that provide Valentine’s Day gift suggestions based on the interests of your guy, but women often spend unnecessary time and money gifting something their man didn’t really want. Take preventative measures by asking your partner what he wants. Treat Valentine’s Day as you would any other holiday and give out of love and not obligation.

February 14 is the day chosen to celebrate love worldwide. This however shouldn’t be the only time of year you make an effort to show your significant other how much you love and appreciate him. With children, work and responsibilities, it’s easy to get caught in the routine of life and take your loved one for granted. Valentine’s Day is meant to remind us of the love we have for one another, and I’m reminding you to take care of your man.

There’s no denying that women should be celebrated and appreciated for all that we do, but the day of love should never be about one person. Love doesn’t work that way, so I encourage you to share the love on Valentine’s Day.

Advice from some of the countries top Matchmakers

Advice from some of the countries top Matchmakers

Jennifer Hayes, the Director of Operations for South Carolina Matchmakers, adds that because bad relationships tend to harden people, matchmakers must encourage clients to keep their hearts and minds open to love. “One of the biggest hurdles we have as a matchmakers is encouraging clients to stay open to the possibilities of finding love,” she tells Mental Floss, in a recent interview.

“Read more at ” Mental Floss  that links to the full article