Why Hire South Carolina Matchmakers?

Why Hire South Carolina Matchmakers?

1. What you’re doing just isn’t working

You have no problem finding dates on your own, but you’re just not meeting the right type of people. Maybe you’re devoting a lot of time to online dating or going to bars but haven’t met accomplished, educated, honest, commitment-minded singles. Maybe you keep dating the wrong type of person, choosing poorly for yourself. Whatever the reason, your current approach to dating just isn’t working. Don’t worry, we can help!

2. Personal service

We believe that hiring an expert, a personal matchmaker, is the best way to optimize your time and find a compatible match. Our approach is a personal one. We form relationships with our clients and their potential dates. When we make matches, we use old-fashioned intuition based on our understanding of each person and what they desire in a partner. Nothing can replace the personal touch that we offer.

So, while you tend to the business of your life, we get to work finding, screening, investigating and personally interviewing your potential dates. In essence, we date them first to see if they are a good fit for you. We will not make an introduction until we feel we have a potential life-partner who is everything you are looking for. We won’t waste a minute of your valuable time.

3. We are experts

Our savvy clients understand the value in hiring an expert, whether investing in a stock portfolio, buying real estate or recruiting the most qualified employees for their business. So, why not hire an expert to find the love of your life?

As your matchmaker, we become your personal agent, in effect your headhunter. Not only will we consider other clients, we will utilize our extensive database to find matches who meet your criteria, we will actively recruit, network, and may even advertise (discreetly of course) to find you a perfect match. We will do whatever it takes to find exceptional matches with the specific qualities you desire.

4. We date them before you do… and they have to dazzle us!

Each potential match is required to meet with us for an extensive face-to-face interview. We dig deep, taking the time to know each person intimately in order to facilitate excellent matches for our clients. We know that you’re a great catch and can be selective about who you date. Therefore, your potential dates have to dazzle us before we will consider introducing them to you… and we’re not easily impressed!

5. Valuable Feedback

We ask our clients and their matches to give us feedback after each date. This enables us to better understand what you are looking for and to refine our search. Feedback provides you with valuable insight that will help you to become more successful when dating in the future. This is a rare opportunity to learn how you are perceived on a date.

6. Put your best foot forward – Helping you along the way!

Once we find you an amazing match, we want you to make a great impression! If you would like our advice on your appearance, dating etiquette or any other aspect of dating, we are here for you. Your success is our success, so we will do whatever it takes to make sure you find (and keep) the love of your life!

7. Safety

Your safety is paramount; therefore we provide extensive background investigations to ensure you meet safe, quality individuals.

8. You will meet commitment-minded singles

When people have paid for the services of a matchmaker, or taken the time to meet with one personally, they have a vested interest in finding a life-partner. Big dating services will represent clients looking for casual dates. We won’t. Our clients and free members are ready to commit to long-term relationships.

9. You’re too busy

If you’re like most Charlestonians, you’re too busy to read through hundreds of online personal ads, email back and forth with potential matches, spend time chatting on the phone or hanging out at bars. A lot of work goes into finding a quality person to date. Wouldn’t you rather we invest our time?

10. You are reserved or shy

By nature, you’re reserved or shy and prefer to meet someone in a more intimate setting. You don’t enjoy meat markets like bars and singles events.

11. Deception

One of the most common complaints about on-line dating is that people misrepresent themselves. We want to make sure there will be no unpleasant surprises. We offer background checks which verify identity and age. We personally meet with everyone we work with to ensure that they are sincere. We have a no tolerance for lying policy. One lie, and we will not represent a client or member. We will make sure you are meeting sincere, honest, quality people.

12. Confidentiality

Charleston, SC is a somewhat large city, but it’s also a small town. News travels fast and gossip spreads like wildfire. Why post your picture on-line when you can be discreetly represented by us? No one needs to know about your dating life but you. Your privacy is our priority.

How to create the love you desire in 2021

How to create the love you desire in 2021

1. Believe it is possible. All things are possible for those that believe. Write the dream down and rehearse it daily until you begin to believe it. Address those belief systems that are blocking love.

2. Be self aware. This includes knowing your strengths – what do you have to offer in a relationship, what are your values, goals and ambitions. A person that can speak about themselves from a place of self awareness will be very impressive to someone else.

3. Become the love you desire. The question to ask yourself here is…’Am I the person in character looks and status, who the person I desire will desire? If so how so? And if not, identify the gaps and begin to work on them

4. Prepare, Plan and Pursue. As they say, no plan is a plan to fail. There is no time like the present to begin to be intentional about your love life. Work on yourself and begin to do the things you need to practically do to become who you need to be to attract the love of your dreams. Do you need to hire a matchmaker, a coach, join the gym, work on your character, your goals? Do it!

5. Step out. It goes without saying. After implementing all of the above steps you’ve got to get out there and start dating! If you need help navigating the dating world or getting intentional about dating. Get in touch with us at South Carolina Matchmakers we can help.

Virtual Dating Ideas That Work

Virtual Dating Ideas That Work

Many singles are choosing to use FaceTime and other video conferencing apps to conduct their first dates. Not only is this a safe way to meet your matches given the current situation, but it’s a great way to screen for chemistry from the comfort of your own home.However, many singles wonder, “What the heck am I going to do on this call?”South Carolina Matchmakers has you covered. Here are 5 of our favorite date ideas for FaceTime you can try right now:

1. Compare pantry notes and cook a meal together that you both have the ingredients for, then enjoy it over a glass or two of wine. Alternatively, you can arrange to have a meal delivered to both you and your virtual date from the same restaurant and enjoy it together.

2. Unleash your artistic side, and try sketching a portrait of each other. Don’t worry if the result is closer to Picasso than Rembrandt – sharing a few laughs is a great way to feel more connected. (Feel free to add wine to this idea, which could also be delivered to both you and your date!)

3. If you’re in a more rural area where you can take a walk in a secluded park or greenbelt, FaceTime with your date as you stroll along. If the other person is cooped up in a big city, being a virtual companion on your nature walk may be just the thing to cheer them up.

4. Playing a game like 20 questions is a creative way to learn more about each other. With the right match, Truth or Dare could be fun too!

5. If you’re both into music, compare playlists. Swap suggestions for everything from your must-have workout mix to road trip favorites.If you need a few more tips for ensuring a successful video date, please check out this article for 11 tips that will make your dates a cinch!And if you’re struggling to meet compatible matches for any reason or simply want to receive an instant upgrade to your dating life, our team is ready to introduce you to attractive singles in your area you’re sure to enjoy. To talk to one of our dating specialists, give us a call today.
(877) 659-4341

Are You Too Busy For Love?

Are You Too Busy For Love?

In our world today, it seems we are becoming less and less touched. We text instead of calling and email instead of visiting. For some, dating has become an on-line affair. Are we doomed to a solitary existence?  Will our social skills minimize to the point where the hottest thing we touch – is our computer?  Of course we don’t want that, but many of us end up settling for the laptop cuddle, because our lives are just plain busy. Our work, family and home responsibilities keep us running around with so much going on, that often times, we don’t even break to take care of ourselves. With our busy schedules, we just don’t have the time to cultivate an existing relationship or put any effort into finding new love?

Do you even remember the excitement of eyes- catching, chemistry igniting love?  How long has it been since you felt the electricity flowing through your body, that only Love can spark? For those of us who Can remember the wonderful feeling of being in love, we know it is an awesome feeling! So why is it, that so many people say they are too busy for love? We are a nation of professionals, who have become focused on achieving success. We want to be logical and focus on what will benefit our lives.  We must organize our company to optimal efficiency. We want to consider every detail of our lives to build a future that will result in personal gain.  Are there any benefits to love?

What is the Value of Love?

Dean Ornish, MD, author of Love and Survival, The scientific Basis for the Healing Power of Intimacy, has conducted numerous studies where he has proven that Love is good for your physical health. One such study conducted at Yale, yielded significant results among a group of men and women who were undergoing coronary angiography. Those who reported that they had support and felt loved had considerably less blockage in their arteries.  In fact, his results have been duplicated. MSN reports the findings of a National Longitudinal Mortality study, observing the life span of over a million participants since 1979. Results show that married people have fewer heart attacks, less cancer and even live longer. The University of Iowa demonstrated that those who are in love and have strong support systems, generate higher levels of the body’s natural immune system for fighting cancer cells- white blood cells. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a primary response to love occurring in our bodies, is the elevated production of the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin makes you feel good and it works in the brain along with dopamine which helps humans to recognize pleasure. Depression or other mental illnesses sometimes result from malfunction in this system. Dr. Kathleen Light with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, did a study where she found oxytocin levels increased in married participants after they held hands or discussed positive memories.

Research indicates there are benefits to love. But will this knowledge make our lives less busy? No, but it could allow us to enjoy it more. In our quest to create the best possible future, should we put any effort into love? The scientific community says-Yes! Do it for your heart. Find love to increase your life span. Experience your brain on pleasure. Take a moment and consider your quality of life and why you work so hard. Is it to spend evenings alone?  Love is beautiful and love is kind. Love has a powerful effect on our bodies and minds.  Love is worth the effort. If you need to, put it on your calendar.

Offering a little piece of Mind during Covid-19

Offering a little piece of Mind during Covid-19

It’s no secret, these are unsettling times. As the Coronavirus continues to spread and prevention methods cause disruption throughout the country, all over the world, and in our daily lives, we can find peace in the fact that social distancing doesn’t have to mean social disconnection.

While headlines from the news and on social media may instill powerful waves of anxiety and fear, know that love is infinitely more powerful. During tough times, love provides a sense of unity which reminds us that our individual actions can significantly impact the lives of the people around us. While this epidemic is certainly not ideal, it does create an opportunity for us to express our love in a thousand out-of-the-box ways. 

The coronavirus has actually opened new dating possibilities.  We have seen an increase in people wanting to connect. People are reaching out more because there is a desire for connection. They are working alone at home, cancelling all travel and other social plans. They feel very lonely and isolated. As the saying goes, crisis equals opportunity!

This is a great time to get to know someone quickly—it is like being thrown into a life-raft together in the middle of a storm. Are they proactive? In denial about what is happening or super risk-takers? Are they germophobes? Caretakers? Making lemonade out of the pandemic lemons? Super worried or laughing about what is happening and sending you funny videos about toilet paper? You can get lots of info about your new matches right away.
Plus you now have a chance to meet and connect at a deeper level, rather than just on the level of appearance! You can get to know each other’s core personality, whether you are on the same wavelength, have similar values, goals and styles of relating.
Even though these are uncertain times, it’s crucial to remember that we can choose how we respond. We can embrace the space to reflect, re-prioritize and be open to the new, hidden opportunity. You may think that all is lost — that the love and relationship you long for is even more out of your reach. But, far from it! As I often say, love is an inside job. This is an opportunity to go within and become the high value individual who attracts the person you REALLY want. 

If you continue to date face-to-face, make sure you and your partner are being cautious. I encourage all my clients to use their best judgment during this time, and to abide by the latest guidelines from the World Health Organization. 

Prior to your date, I would ask, “How are you feeling? Have you had any symptoms? Do you have any fever? Do you feel comfortable going out?” These are all reasonable questions that cover a few bases regarding one’s general health. Be mindful that there are prohibitions on group gatherings, restaurants have a takeout-only policy, and many movie theaters are closed. This may throw a wrench in your plans, but getting a cup of coffee and going for a walk in the park or having a ‘paint n sip’ night of your own are a few ways you can enjoy each other’s company without encountering large crowds. Discuss any potential date-options with your partner and decide what’s right for you two. Going out may pale in comparison to ordering in for a game night, or having a mini potluck featuring your favorite dishes before binge watching a show.

If you find yourself not wanting to risk exposure to the outside world, opt for a virtual date instead. With this type of dating you can connect on a different, slightly unconventional level. You and your date may be a little skeptical at first but give it a shot! It can be tons of fun and add a little mystery to your new-found relationship. Click here for tons of virtual date ideas https://longdistancethings.com/virtual-date-ideas/

You can also watch a movie simultaneously or cook the same meal together over video chat. Netflix even offers a “watch together” feature, enabling viewers in two different locations to watch the same film or show together. Who says video calling has to be one-note? Mix it up, make it sexy, and be creative with your potential love. 

You can even use this time of quarantine to jump start a little self-reflection. Use this downtime to reassess your goals for the year, the progress you’ve made accomplishing them, and the next steps you plan to take. Social distancing is a great time to spring clean, purge those old items from your closet, and get back to some much-needed self-care. If you find yourself in need of a pick-me, sign up with our dating coach for a quick chat 

https://southcarolinamatchmakerscoaching.as.me/letschat. This is an unfamiliar situation to all of us and we’ll need each other to get through it. 

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns; and although it’s inconvenient, this experience doesn’t have to stop your dating life in its tracks. Be open and flexible, knowing that your ability to go-with-the-flow will create plenty of “remember when” moments you can laugh about in the future. The significance of an emotional connection is severely underrated in lieu of a physical relationship. Use these days and weeks to firmly establish your emotional bond sans distraction, and when you’re both comfortable, reunite with your significant other for a romantic evening.  

Remember the most important thing, we are all in this together.